This is the next AMSOIL Buy Local Dealer Training module: Promoting your Retailers and Installers


AMSOIL Dealers that use the AMSOIL Buy Local Directory can use the listings and access to the directory to promote themselves and their accounts.

The AMSOIL Buy Local Dealer Directory was created to benefit all AMSOIL Dealers in the Sparks team. We want to help you succeed at your AMSOIL Business as well as help your accounts sell more AMSOIL.

Ways for AMSOIL Dealers to use this directory.

Current Retailer and Installer Customers

  1. Dealers can create a listing for their Retailer and Installer accounts. Once the listing is reviewed and approved by admin. The live listing is now able to be shared online. First thing a Dealer should think about is to share it with the account. Let them know that you set this up for them and to check and see how they like it or if they want any changes.
  2. Share your listings on your personal social media like Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter and LinkedIn. Make an announcement that your store now carries or installs AMSOIL! Even if you are not local to the business, by sharing you are building the algorithms for that post.
  3.  Ask your account to share the listings on their social media. The more people that share the link to your accounts AMSOIL Listing the more that it will show up on search engines, especially in their local area.
  4. Email Marketing: If you have an email list, try promoting your retailers in your email marketing.

Using the AMSOIL Buy Local in your prospecting.

  1. Dealers could use the ability to have an account listed for free as a sales tool Feel free to print out a PDF of the image below. or use the photo to send to your prospective accounts. Download the AMSOIL Buy Local Directory PDF.
  2. Another idea if you do any kind of paid ads is that you could pay for your accounts listing to be a paid/sponsored Ad on Facebook or google. Be sure to only allow the ad to be shown in a certain geographic area.  I would say limit it to up to 50 miles from there location. It makes to sense for a local retail to have an ad shown that is not close enough to get customers.
  3. Stress the fact that carrying AMSOIL at their store or shop helps attract High Value Customers. What is a High Value Customer? A High Value Customer is one that is willing to purchase higher quality products and services. Customers that are not always looking for the cheapest. AMSOIL Customers value performance, and saving over the long term. AMSOIL Customers are typically repeat buyers. AMSOIL Customers end up becoming loyal customers.

AMSOIL Near Me AMSOIL Buy Local Directory

You can also use the ability for an Account to be listed on the AMSOIL Locator as well. Be sure to let them know what the current yearly volume qualifications are to be on AMSOIL. The AMSOIL Buy Local Directory has no minimum requirements to be list.